Tribute’s Full Name: Bruce James MacAnnany
Birth Date: 01/14/1945
City: Mower
State: Minnesota
Country: United States
Date Of Death: 2022
City: Las Vegas
State: NV
Bruce James McAnnany was born January 14, 1945 in the town of Mower, Minnesota. His Irish father, Clifford, worked as a traveling salesman selling Ells Vacuums. His mother, Harriet, was a wife and mother. Bruce was the youngest of the four McAnnany sons (Terry, Michael, Darrel and Bruce). He attended schools in Mower, Minnesota and while in high school, he met the love of his life, Elaine ”Shuggie” Speiltz. Graduation from high school meant nursing school for “Shuggie” and a Bachelor’s Degree for Bruce at Saint Mary’s College in Winona, Minnesota. After completing his Master’s Degree in Social Work and then working as a social worker in Cook County, (Chicago) Illinois, he married “Shuggie” Speiltz in 1970. They spent their lives together until the day she passed away in January of 2018. They were one of those couples who simply couldn’t live without each other.

While living in Minnesota, they became parents to Erin (8/26/1973) and Brett (9/28/1976).
By 1987, the McAnnany’s were residents of Las Vegas, Nevada. How they got to Nevada, is a mystery but they did and in Nevada, Bruce is remembered for integrity, kindness and support of both the individuals who worked for him and for the client population at large.
Bruce became employed by the Nevada State Division for Aging Service sometime in the 1990s and worked in a variety of positions ( Southern Nevada Community Ombudsman Supervisor, Elder Rights Supervisor, Long Term Ombudsman and Compliance Investigator) before becoming Deputy Administrator of the agency. Through those positions, he touched many lives.
Gil Johnstone worked with Bruce for many years and recalls Bruce was always willing to assist staff members as well as the public. “In celebrating his meeting with new co-workers, Bruce would bring out a loaf of fresh baked zucchini bread that he had baked himselff to share with staff. He added that the zucchini was grown in his back yard, and gardening was a favorite pasttime.”
Bruce hired Beverly Manner as Southern Nevada Community Ombudsman in 1995 and she remembers that Bruce could always be counted on for his support. Beverly and her husband spent one Thanksgiving with Bruce’s family and recalls as “Bruce was removing a golden brown turkey from the oven, the bird slipped off the pan and across the kitchen floor. Swiftly, Bruce caught the bird right on the serving platter to raucous laughter and jokes”.
Carla Sloan, former founding Director of the Cannon Senior Services Center and founding State Director of AARP recalled “Bruce was a wonderful, caring person with a unique sense of humor. He absolutely had the heart and commitment of a social worker. His health struggles after he retired were very difficult but he faced them with a positive attitude and courage.”
Bruce came into my life when I was hired to serve as Resource Development Chief in January of 2000. He and I “hit it off” instantly and became work friends and then personal friends. I visited Bruce and Sughee in Las Vegas whenever I was in Las Vegas and they even traveled north to visit Gil Johnston and me. Dinner or lunch or a scenic trip to Lake Tahoe was always in order. I visited them every time I traveled to Las Vegas.
Shughee passed away in January 2018. Bruce couldn’t live without her and he joined her in March of 2018. He is missed by many but especially by me
Written by Marcia Cuccaro — Posted 08/17/2022